Working Girl [humiliation, wg, uglification, dg]

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Working Girl [humiliation, wg, uglification, dg]

Postby ElGooG » Mon Jun 17, 2019 1:11 am

Welcome to my debut story. Comments are appreciated. I'm planning for this to be a multi-part story, some of which is written already but testing the waters here.

Chapter 1: A New Contract

Amber grabbed her purse, heels and a wad of bills from the night stand as she made her way toward the door, leaving another satisfied suitor.

"See you next week, handsome!" She turned, blowing him a kiss and ensuring full view of her perky ass, opening the door and stepping outside. She brushed wavy blonde hair out of her face, whilst adjusting her tiny top. Placing the bills in her purse and slipping back into heels, she turned and started the short walk through town.

Amber's thoughts turned to the relationship: Marco is such a babe! He always treats a lady so well... definitely one of my favourite chubby subbies!

'Chubby subby' was Amber's pet name for her overweight clients. She enjoyed toying with them, and manipulating the relationship so she didn't have to work too much for her pay. Sure, she slept with people for money, but not all the time. Quite often she would do just as well, or even better, as a paid girlfriend or date. Amber wasn't a skanky whore either, she was classy. Young, pretty, athletic - and intelligent.
She knew how to get the most out of people, but she suffered from poor work ethic. She preferred easy money over grafting each day.

Marco was one of her regulars. He would often take Amber on dates, even attending a wedding with her last month. Amber was rewarded by lavish lifestyle, paid for by her somewhat questionable endeavours, but she was clever to keep her working life and personal life apart. Her friends and family thought she sold fashion designs to big brands and she kept up a pretty normal life outside of work.

She was on the outskirts of town by this point. She stopped at her destination, did a quick double-take behind her, then immediately darted into a side alley. She slipped through small side door, entering a room full of hardened men - drinking and gambling. Flicking her hair from her face, she teased, "Hey boys!". She blew a kiss and winked at the barman, continuing on her way toward two armed guards at the back of the room. They parted for her instantly, revealing a door which led to a back office. The office was simple, two chairs either side of a large desk. Amber sat down in the nearest one, reaching into her purse and dropping the bills on to the desk. "Numero uno fatty paid big this time! You're welcome!" Amber huffed playfully, crossing her legs and tapping her fingers on the desk.

A dark figure emerged from the back of the office, and a surprisingly feminine voice responded, "Amber, I swear you have a weird obsession with the chubby ones... any problems?". The figure stepped forward, revealing a tall, muscular woman dressed in mostly black leather. Pink hair in a pixie cut topped her pretty face, and despite a couple of tattoos on her wrists and a nose piercing, Bev was not your typical 'pimp'.

Amber leant forward, giving Bev a good view of her tits, "No problems Bev, you know I've got "Marco Lardo" in the palm of my hand! He's like putty, literally!" Bev sat down, counting the bills on the table, "Whatever works for you I guess, keep it up".

Bev finished counting, sat back and eyed up Amber, nibbling her lip. "He's got good taste though, I'll admit." Amber pouted, "Aw thanks Bev, could do you a deal sometime too!" She giggled.

Bev smirked, "Oh you have no idea, but we'll have to reschedule, you've got a new customer. He paid up front this morning. Fifty Gs for one month of all access Amber, starting tomorrow."

Amber suddenly jumped, "Fifty Gs?! Holy fuck!". Amber was on fifty percent commission. It didn't take a genius to work out that was some big bucks. Amber had the widest grin.

"Yep, the name's Tony. Passed to me through from one of my 'colleagues'. Said that he wanted exclusive rights for a month for everything. Bedroom, dates, company, whatever he wants. Hell he's paid upfront you do anything this guy wants, understand?".

Amber giggled, "Sure Bev, I'm on it. Maybe if he's lardy enough he'll be doing everything I want for a month, eh?" She winked, turned and exited the room. Bev stared as she exited, transfixed by her ass. "I'll text you the details."


Amber exited the building, and started walking toward her apartment. Twenty-five fucking Gs.... I'm gonna be rolling in it! Jeez this life is easy.

Entering the apartment, she grabbed an apple from a bowl on the side. No chance of finding any junk food here, Amber kept a strict diet and exercise regime to ensure she got as much work as possible.

Her work had paid for a nice apartment. Clean, modern, better than most could have her age. At 24, Amber had amassed quite a fortune through this line of work. She even had a full gym setup at home, to keep herself in tip top shape. Changing into some gym clothes for a quick workout, Amber stopped and admired her figure in a full length mirror.

Sorry Marco, your lardy ass is going to have to go without me for a month.... She laughed, biting into her apple whilst she set in to her evening workout, ready for the month ahead...
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Re: Working Girl [humiliation, wg, uglification, dg]

Postby ElGooG » Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:00 am

Chapter 2: First Impressions

Amber hopped out of the cab and glanced at the house. She always eyed up new customers trying to see how much money she could tease out of their mitts. The neighbourhood and house weren't quite befitting of someone spending fifty grand for her services, she thought. It was typical suburbia - a pretty safe neighbourhood, at least.

She was dressed in tight denim shorts and a low cut top, which sort of stuck out in this environment. Not wanting to draw too much attention, she quickly walked up to the entrance of the house. It looked like no-one was home - no lights on and no car in the driveway. Amber checked her phone, "Definitely the right address...." she gently said to herself. She went to ring the bell, and noticed a small post-it on the door:

"Gone to the store, be back in a sec. Key's under the mat. T. Xx" Amber shrugged, and reached for the key under the mat. She unlocked the door and stepped inside.

Amber's small heels echoed through the house as she took her first steps in the hallway. "Hello? Anybody home?" No response. She reached the end of a small hallway and found a light switch. Flicking it on revealed a kitchen much more like she was expecting.

She was delighted to see a modern kitchen with a full range of new appliances. *Cha-ching! THIS is more like it!*. Amber plopped her purse on the counter, as she began to nose around the kitchen. She noticed she could tell a lot about new clients from a kitchen, and so far she thought this person had taste. It was very much how she wanted her own kitchen someday.

She also noticed no fruit bowl or smoothie machine in sight, "Hmm not a fan of fruit... I wonder if this is another chubby subby for meeeee?". She excitedly hurried to the fridge, and her thoughts were confirmed - it was stocked to the brim with junk food.

"Jesus, maybe a VERY chubby subby...". She gasped at the sheer amount of food crammed in to this already massive fridge. Even the fruit and vegetable drawers were filled with chocolate and chilled desserts. She closed the doors, about to investigate the rest of the house when she suddenly heard the front door unlock.

Amber quickly assumed her seduction pose. She brushed her hair through her hands and hopped up on the counter, waiting for her mystery man to approach around the corner. She heard some shopping bags drop at the door, followed by some heavy footsteps approaching up the hallway. Amber crossed her legs, ensuring as much was on show as possible and welcomed her new client, "Well hey there cutie! I've been waiting for you!".

A strong, feminine voice responded, much to Amber's surprise, "Oh goodie, I've been waiting for you too!". As soon as Amber saw the first limb of this individual come around the corner, she knew this was way more than her usual 'chubby subby'.

Amber froze, looking at the figure in front of her. Firstly, it wasn't a guy. Secondly, she was way beyond chubby. She was by far the largest person Amber had ever seen in her life.

The woman was wearing cheap, ill-fitting shorts which showed off her lumpy legs. That was the first thing Amber noticed. They were absolutely ruined by fat. Amber had seen big legs, but this was something else. They didn't even look like legs, but rather something from a sci-fi horror movie. The woman started to walk toward her, and Amber could only watch with a mixture of fascination and sickness as one leg roll peeled off another in ways she didn't even think were possible.

It was about this time that Amber's eyes drifted upward, watching the woman's hanging, bulbous gut being pushed out the way with each step, swinging back and fro as she walked. She realised this was the only way she could walk, creating a noticable waddle resulting in her wide flanks bouncing around with each step.

Everything about her was so misshaped, and it took a moment for Amber to identify which of the many sets of rolls were her breasts. They were huge, but flat and saggy, seperating to either side of her gut as she walked. Amber was so confused, still in horror at the sight that was lumbering toward her.

The woman approached the counter, causing Amber to look up slightly as she saw the woman's smile beaming back at her. Her facial features were smothered in more hanging fat. Her neck was non-existent as the fat drooped from her face onto the top of her chest. Her hair was dark, greasy and wiry, pulled back in to a pony tail showing off oddly tiny ears which only did more to accentuate her fat head.

Suddenly, a pair of pudgy hands grabbed Amber's waist, pressing her into the soft, sagging gut in front of her. Before Amber could react, her lips were planted on the hairy upper lip of the beastly woman, as a strong waft of garlic assaulted her nostrils.

That was enough to snap Amber out of her stupor, as she reeled her head away in disgust. She pushed the woman back, and as she did so, felt her hands sink into the sweaty flesh in front of her. The woman staggered back, leaving Amber flicking her wet sticky fingers in disgust.

"What the FUCK are you doing?!" Amber spat in the nearby sink, washing her mouth with the tap as she was trying to get the taste of an unknown earlier meal out of her mouth. She wiped her mouth, turning back to the monsterous woman behind her. "I'm here for your husband, you fat fuck!".

The woman was taken aback at first, regaining her balance and finally resting against the counter. As she leaned against the counter, Amber noticed her gut hanging underneath, poking out slightly from under the shirt. She smirked at Amber, "You mean Tony?".

Amber huffed and brushed herself down, and angrily answered "Yes. Tony. Is he here for christ sake? If not I'm wasting my time and I'll come back later."

The woman chuckled, "Hun, I'M Tony. With an I. T-O-N-I." She reached down and lifted part of her belly, "I was told you didn't mind those on the larger side?" She dropped the held flab, causing a ripple to permeate across her body, almost making Amber throw up on the spot. "I was also told that you worked with women too, don't be disappointing me, whore.".

Toni heaved herself off the counter, moving toward Amber. "I don't have a problem with women, or chubbies, it's just-". Amber stopped, thinking about what she was going to say as she eyed up the ugly blob in front of her. She hesitated, but couldn't help herself.

"You're fucking disgusting, that's my problem. I've never seen anyone as big as you and it's actually making me sick in my mouth. There's no way I can be anywhere near you, let alone FUCK you." Amber snatched her purse off the counter.

"Do something about yourself, stop eating every fucking thing in the house and have some self-respect. Clean yourself up too, you stink." Toni didn't even bat an eye, she just kept smiling. She simply said, "Pity whore, I could've rocked your world...", reaching around her hanging tits and bouncing them in front of Amber.

Amber couldn't believe what she was seeing. This woman was clearly mental. "Never in a million years you worthless sack of flab. No amount of money is worth THAT", as she pointed toward her gut. Amber marched out the front door, slamming it shut behind her, glad to be rid of the sight of Toni.


Jesus Bev.... how the fuck did she not know about her? I can't do things like that. I don't care how much money it is, I can't lower myself to THAT. Her body was so horrible I felt like I was sinking, imagine being underneath that thing.... or trying to reach down THERE.

Amber couldn't stop imagining the feeling of her, or watching her body wobble with even the slightest movement. It was burned into her mind.

Get a grip Amber, just get yourself home, have a nice bath and forget about what just happened.


She walked for around for five or so minutes, before realising there was no taxi rank in this area. She brought up the Uber app, and began to book a cab when her phone rung. She looked down at the number - it was Bev. "Shit! Bev's gonna think I bailed!" Amber contemplated not answering, but she knew better than that.

"Hey Bev, what's shaking?" Amber happily answered.

A short pause was followed by a serious voice. "Apparently, NOT your ass. WHY did I just get a call to say you bailed on our new client?".

Amber paced on her phone, thinking of the best excuse. "Bev, I can totally explain! It wasn't Tony! Well, it was, but it was actually a woman and-". Bev cut her off,

"So? Since when has it been an issue for you and women? You've done it with girls before don't give me that bullshit!"

Amber was a bit startled, she'd never heard this side of Bev. "You don't understand, she's HUGE! I mean really fucking fat-".

Bev cut her off again, noticably more annoyed. "SO?! You're the one bragging about your 'chubby subbies' or whatever fucked up thing you want to call them. She paid UP FRONT for you. He, she, thin, fat, I don't care what the fucking situation is but I swear to god if you come back here right now I'll rip your throat out!".

The line went dead. Amber looked at her phone and angrily muttered under her breath: "Fuck."
Last edited by ElGooG on Tue Jun 18, 2019 2:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Working Girl [humiliation, wg, uglification, dg]

Postby MonkeyTennis » Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:22 am

These first two parts have set the scene brilliantly.
It's also good to hear there's more written and you have a good idea of where the story is going.
I can't wait to read more.
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Re: Working Girl [humiliation, wg, uglification, dg]

Postby ElGooG » Tue Jun 18, 2019 2:04 am

Chapter 3: Making Amends

Amber sat on the pavement, head between her legs as she contemplated her options.

Option one... go back to Bev and hope she doesn't kill me..., or option two, go back to Toni and hope she doesn't suffocate me...

A few moments passed and a large sigh emerged from her lips. She knew she couldn't go back to Bev right now, it would be literal suicide. She only had to suck it up with this monstrosity for a little while and then she could probably convince Bev to send some other sap instead of her. It was the only way.

She dragged herself to her feet and miserably walked back to Toni's front door. She made no effort to look presentable or sexy, or even smile for that matter as she plucked up the courage to ring the doorbell. The same familiar heavy footsteps could be heard behind the door as the lock turned and Amber was greeted with the sight she tried so hard to forget.

Toni stood there, smiling down at Amber as she leant against the doorframe. "Change your mind hun?" She teased.

"You know why I'm here, let's just get in and do this." Amber went to go into the house, but Toni stepped in front of her. "Nuh uh uh, you can't just waltz in here after all that drama. You need to make it right".

She gently lifted her t-shirt up, revealing her pale wobbling gut. It looked shiny from sweat and grease, much to the disgust of Amber. "Make out with my belly button, whore. Right here."

Amber chuckled, "Fuck off! Come on enough jokes, I'm sorry okay?" She feigned a smile. Toni looked unimpressed, "I'm not joking. Do it. Now." She purposefully wobbled her belly in front of Amber's face.

Amber looked around. She was still on the front step of the house. Anyone could walk by and see the strange sight. She looked up at Toni, and then down at her gut in front of her. "Ah fuck... fine." Leaning in, she placed a gentle kiss on her. She peeled her lips away, looking up at Toni, "Okay?"

Toni still looked unimpressed. "I said MAKE OUT - a term that I'm sure a whore like you would be familiar with? I want to see you right in there, WITH TONGUE". Amber angrily replied, "Fuck off, that's disgusting! I'm not doing it!"

Toni sighed, reaching into her pocket and retrieving her mobile phone. She faked typing some numbers and raised it to her ear, eyeing up Amber in the process.

Aw shit, she's going to call Bev again!

"W-wait! No need to call anyone, I'll do it!" Toni smiled, putting the phone back in her pocket. "Go on then."

Amber leaned in, and placed her lips onto Toni's wobbly gut. Her whole body was shaking as she parted her mouth, and her reluctant tongue made contact with the obese woman's flesh. She was met with a taste so rancid she almost threw up there and then. Her cheeks felt sticky as they rubbed against the glistening fat in front of her, nose digging deep into flab. She was about to break the kiss, when she felt a strong hand on the back of her head. Toni was forcing her head into the kiss.

"That's it whore, you know you want it." Toni chuckled at what she was seeing. Amber was almost suffocating at this point, waving her arms frantically and trying to breathe. After a short moment, Toni grabbed her hair and pulled her off, peeling her face off her midsection. Amber collapsed, a bit breathless looking up at Toni. "I couldn't breathe you bitch!"

Toni reached out to help her up. Amber looked up, eventually grabbing her hand and heaved up to standing position. Toni smiled at her, before winding her arm back and slapping Amber across the face.

Amber fell back down to the ground. She couldn't work out what was going on. Toni spoke down to the heap of Amber on the floor, "Next time, don't hesitate when I tell you to do something, whore. Come on, we've got stuff to do". Toni turned and entered the house, followed shortly after by a dizzy and confused Amber. She staggered in to the house, shutting the door behind her and entering the kitchen with Toni.

Toni opened the freezer, reaching in for an ice pack, and throwing it across the counter to Amber. "Here, take this. For your jaw". Amber had tears down her face at this point as the pain of being hit by a behemoth such as Toni sunk in, and quietly muttered a thankyou. She held the ice pack to her jaw and watched Toni in the kitchen. She rummaged around the top of the fridge, causing her sagging arm fat to swing back and forth as she did so. She found two cans of beer, cracked one open and slid the other to Amber. "Drink", she said.

It hurt to speak for Amber right now, but she managed to respond, "No thanks, I don't drink", and pushed the beer back. Toni glugged part of her can, belching as she came up for air, "... and why not?"

"No alcohol, too many carbs. No junk food in general, it's my diet plan.... not that you'd understand...." she sneered. Toni smirked again, "I said, drink". Amber looked at the beer and sighed, opening the can and taking a sip, giving a sarcastic smile back to Toni as she did so.

"Good girl, don't worry, I'll see to it that you have some proper food and drink rather than those ponsy salads whilst you're with me. Maybe you'll end up as big as me?" She joked, slapping her gut and chugging more beer. Amber laughed herself, "Yeah right, I've got too much self respect to become anything like you, it's all about self control and exercise. I work my calories off every day." Amber had another sip of the beer. It wasn't a bad taste, and it ended up reminding her of days in high school.

Toni waddled over and put her hand on Amber's shoulder. "You know, I used to be about your size... always dieting and exercising, but I was never really happy until I let all that go". Amber shrugged the hand off her shoulder, "Yeah, whatever. All I see is an addicted slob, I don't understand how you could even let yourself get like this". Toni smiled, "Well you'll be eating like me this month, whore. So you better be as good as exercising as you say you are." Toni waddled over to a cupboard, opening a bag of doughnuts. She passed one to Amber. "Eat."

Amber looked at the doughnut and couldn't help but wonder how many doughnuts it took to get to Toni's size. Now I've gotta eat like this slob too? Fuck, what have I gotten myself in to, this bitch is nuts! She took a reluctant bite of the doughnut, getting frosting all over her mouth. She licked it off and continued to munch on the sweet pastry, I'm gonna have to do double workout sessions tonight, god knows how many calories are in this thing. Not bad tasting though, at least it tastes better than that fucking belly.

Toni got up and waddled out of the kitchen, further into the house. "Come on whore, stop stuffing your face with that and come with me, we've got work to do." She winked, and went through a nearby door.

Amber gave another sarcastic smile, grabbing her beer and doughnut, forgetting her purse and ice pack on the counter as she followed.
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Re: Working Girl [humiliation, wg, uglification, dg]

Postby blurmy » Tue Jun 18, 2019 4:44 am

Interesting start, I'd like to see more :)
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Re: Working Girl [humiliation, wg, uglification, dg]

Postby ElGooG » Tue Jun 18, 2019 5:14 am

Chapter 4: Tit for Tat

Amber entered the bedroom. It was quite impressive. Modern decor seemed prominent throughout the house, something that surprised Amber given Toni's attitude about her own appearance. The room was immaculate, a large queen size bed in the centre made up perfectly like that of a fancy hotel. Hardly a room as filthy as her client.

Toni stood by the large glass doors, "Finished with those?", she asked, motioning toward the half finished beer and pastry in Amber's hands. "Oh, no, hang on." Amber quickly finished the doughnut and necked the beer, feeling the bubbles all the way down.

"Good girl. Now strip." Amber almost forgot why she was there. She normally had a sexy strip tease routine lined up, but she was hardly in the mood to do that. She lifted her top, exposing two perky tits which needed no bra. She was blessed in that department. She slipped out of her shorts, and her underwear, not taking long 'til she was completely nude. Toni smiled at the sight before her, "Mmm, not bad. I can see what you mean about keeping in shape". Amber had a toned, athletic body that many girls would have been envious of - and she knew that.

"Sit down on the end of the bed there." Toni ordered. Amber sat, as Toni rummaged in a nearby cupboard. She emerged holding a huge dildo, causing Amber's eyes to open wide. "I'm sure a whore like you can handle this big guy here?" She teased, moving over toward Amber.

Amber was nervous, "D-do you want me to do anything for you?" She was used to doing everything for her clients, it wasn't often someone wanted to please her.

Toni smiled, "No.", and pushed her back firmly so she was lying on the bed. Amber was staring at the ceiling as she suddenly felt those sticky hands running up her legs. "I think we're going to have a lot of fun." Toni giggled.

Amber didn't want to look at what was going on, she knew it would make her feel sick. She felt Toni lean on the bed as the mattress dipped dramatically down toward her feet, and within a few seconds she felt a tongue on her clit, causing shivers to run up her spine. She gasped slightly, tilting her head back as the tongue continued to dance around between her legs. She couldn't believe how talented the large lady was with her tongue, and was quickly slipping into the most enjoyable experience she'd ever encountered.

Oh fuck! I can't believe it feels this good from HER! I can't enjoy this.... it's so wrong!

Amber would never admit it, but Toni was seriously pleasuring her. She got more and more excited, moaning inbetween large gasps. She opened her eyes out of pleasure, tilting her head to the side as she grabbed the mattress with her nails. As she turned, she could see herself lying on the bed in the reflection of the window and Toni eating her out at the end of the bed. She couldn't take her eyes of the lardy lady as she got closer and closer to orgasm. She wanted to be grossed out, but her mind was being turned upside down.

Then, within an instant, Amber felt the huge dildo enter her and Toni heave herself off the bed. She screamed and moaned as the vibration started, writhing on the bed so close to orgasm. She watched as Toni entered her view, holding a remote control. She soon realised what it was for. Toni pushed the button, stopping the vibration moments before Amber came. She was left whimpering on the bed, exhausted and unsatisfied.

"Nuh uh uh hun, you can't enjoy it just yet..." Toni pulled her shirt up, allowing her massive pendulous tits to smack down on her belly. She untucked her belly hang from her shorts and slid them down her lumpy thighs, stepping out of each leg.

Amber stared at the show, still exhausted on the bed. She thought that Toni wasn't wearing underwear, until she reached into her side rolls and dug out the string of her panties. They emerged from beneath her belly hang, and dropped to the floor. She reached over to the remote, and pressed a button.

Amber was suddenly subjected to pleasure again. She gasped, throwing her head back as the pulses came and went, leaving her more and more desperate for release.

"I want you to stare at me while I please you, whore." She started swaying her hips, causing her belly hang to move back and forth.

Amber couldn't think straight, Oh god, she's so disgusting... I can't let her do this to me.... she's a fat slob! I shouldn't be doing this... . She forced her eyes shut, trying to think of anything else. The vibrations stopped. Amber's eyes flew open, wondering what happened.

"If you don't look, you won't finish." Toni stared at Amber, lifting her belly and exposing a huge roll of flesh around her pussy. She wobbled it, before letting her belly smack down causing ripples throughout her body. "I know you love what you see, you can't stop thinking about it, can you?" She turned the remote up again and waddled over toward the bed.

Amber was sweating, she couldn't take her eyes of Toni, no matter what. She couldn't take it anymore. She HAD to get release. "P-please, it's too much!".

Toni came over to the bed and crawled over Amber. Amber felt her tiny body smothered by heavy, slimy rolls, each one stopping to stick to her torso and then peeling away. The weight of Toni's belly dragging across Amber was enough in itself, luckily it was not the full weight of the monstrous woman. Her face met with Amber's as they stared in to each other's eyes. Both were panting, although one of them just from the exhaustion of clambering across the bed.

"That's my girl, tell me you want me. Tell me you want to be pleasured by a fat slob like me" Toni fiddled with the remote, teasing Amber more and more with every second.

"Oh god, yes, yes I do!" Amber screamed.

"Say it. All of it." Toni said, sternly.

"I want to be pleasured by a fat slob like you!"

Toni upped the setting to max, slathering Amber's mouth with her tongue. Amber came long and hard, screaming with pleasure into the open mouth of Toni. The dildo stopped, leaving the two sweating girls panting and staring at one another. Toni said nothing, sliding off Amber and staggering to her feet. Amber watched her latest sexual partner walk over to a side cabinet, reaching up to a subtly placed video camera and stopping the record function.

Toni fiddled with the controls until Amber heard herself back on the speaker: "I want to be pleasured by a fat slob like you!" Toni laughed, "Excellent! This will do perfectly..."

Amber was gathering her thoughts and regaining her breath, "What?! You recorded that?! You bitch!". Toni smiled, "Well, I can always send it to your friends and family if you'd like, or even just upload straight to Pornhub? Up to you." Amber sat up looking angry, realising she'd been outplayed, "Fuck you."

Toni took the SD card out of the camera, lifted one of her huge saggy tits and placed it underneath. She let it drop back down, and shook her hangers around in front of Amber, demonstrating that it wouldn't fall out. "Neat trick huh? No-one's getting that in a hurry." She came and sat down next to Amber, the small girl almost falling on to her as the mattress dipped down. She reached out to Amber's hair and ran her hands through it. "Don't worry hun, it won't go anywhere as long as you do what I say. I can be reasonable sometimes."

Amber felt even worse than before. To her, being pleasured by this woman was one of the most humiliating experiences of her life, AND it was on video. She sighed and flopped back on to the bed.

Toni threw a towel at her, "Go get showered, it's through there." Amber looked confused but somewhat relieved, she was covered in some unknown sticky substance, "Okay..." She entered the bathroom, and began to scrub herself thoroughly as she got lost in thought. What am I going to do? I have to do what she says I can't have everyone know that just happened.... I can't believe I even let it happen...

She began to think about all those mental images, Toni's disgusting body flopping around as she walked, the feel of her soft rolls across her, her shapeless figure moving across the bed. Amber didn't notice at first but found she was scrubbing quite vigorously around her pussy. Her mind caught up, and she snapped out of it. What the fuck... god I don't know what is going through my mind right now, I can barely think straight.

She dried off and came back in to the bedroom, Toni was nowhere to be seen. She noticed her enormous panties on the floor, and she picked them up out of curiousity. They were so huge she couldn't quite believe it. She didn't know why, but something compelled her to sniff them - sure enough they smelt bad.

Fuck, those stink. Not sure what I expected there... what is wrong with me? She got dressed, and walked back in to the kitchen where she noticed a naked Toni leaning against the counter again, doughnut in one hand, and phone in another.

Toni turned and handed her the phone, "Here, my numbers in there now." Amber took the phone, confused at first but realising it was her own. "Hey, get off my phone!" She brushed sugary fingerprints off the screen.

"Relax... this way I can text you when I want your services. After all, I've got you for a month, right?"

Amber sighed, "Yeah...." Toni waddled over and whispered in her ear, "I even treated you to a few saucy pics of my own on there...." Amber quickly put her phone away, thinking she didn't want to see anything like that. Toni went back to the fridge to grab another beer. "What are you doing tomorrow my little slut?"

Amber responded, "Well, usually I don't work weekends, but I guess whatever you want, seeing as it's a month deal..." Toni pouted, "Aww, I don't want you to change your plans for little 'ol me! Consider the weekends yours. Do whatever whores usually do on a weekend".

Gee thanks... that'll give me a weekend to get the taste of beer and garlic out of my mouth and forget that horrible moment...

"Thanks, that's nice. I'll probably be down the gym or maybe out shopping."

Why am I telling her that? Don't get too chummy Amber, just get on with it.

Toni chugged more beer, this time belching and farting somehow at the same time. "Alright then, enjoy. You can go home."

Amber wafted her nose at the stench, but gave a surprised thankyou. She lept at the chance, quickly grabbing her purse and heading to the front door. "Alright then, see ya!"

Toni interrupted her escape, "Err, you haven't said goodbye properly yet..." she grabbed both sides of her belly and hefted it up and down. "Kiss it, like before."

Amber rolled her eyes, she walked over, bent down on to her knees and shoved her head into the large woman's stomach, kissing and licking it. She continued for a good thirty seconds, waiting for Toni to command her to stop, eventually pulling her mouth away revealing a puzzled expression. Toni looked down and laughed, "Hey, you looked like you were enjoying it, didn't want to interrupt you."

Amber stood up, stuck her middle finger up at Toni and marched out of the house, hearing a loud belch before closing the door behind her.

I've just gotta get home... I need a bath... forget about everything that just happened...

She unlocked her phone, and she found Toni had changed the wallpaper to one of those 'saucy pics' she mentioned about. "Oh god", she muttered, looking at the obese blob posing for the camera, showing every inch of flesh. She went to change the wallpaper, but figured she could just do it later instead. She opened the Uber app and a few minutes later, started the short journey back home.
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Re: Working Girl [humiliation, wg, uglification, dg]

Postby ElGooG » Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:40 am

Chapter 5: Trying to Forget

Amber arrived back at her apartment, heading through the door and throwing her purse on to the floor. She walked straight past the fruit bowl and gym equipment, slumping down on her couch, as she sobbed quietly into her hands.

What is wrong with me? Why did I ever agree to this job? Now I'm stuck being bitch to some crazy fat cunt!

She sniffed, wiping tears and taking a deep breath, trying to get a grip on the situation.

I just want to forget today even happened... maybe I should just go and lie down... Her stomach rumbled slightly. ..okay... maybe some dinner and then a lie down...

She got up and headed to her kitchen. Opening the fridge, she noticed it was poorly stocked. "Ah fuck, groceries..." She didn't have a lot of food at home, a few busy weeks of work meant she didn't stay at home often and grocery shopping wasn't high on the to-do list. The only thing she had in there was a chilled pepperoni pizza, which she recalled buying for a party about a month back. She sighed, opened the packaging and placed it in the oven. Pizza was almost always a no-go for Amber, but after the day she had, she didn't care right now. She cracked open a Diet Coke and went back in to the living room, slumped on the couch and opened her phone.

Of course, there was the picture of Toni that she hadn't deleted yet. Amber rolled her eyes, "Oh for fuck sake, GO AWAY." She promptly changed the wallpaper back to her and some girly friends out clubbing, and proceeded to delete the rest of them.

"Where did you save them you fat bitch...." she muttered, looking through her phone to find the saucy pic stash. She eventually found they were sent through WhatsApp, as she opened the conversation with "Rocks my World <3".

Christ, she is so delusional it's unreal.... definitely on the psycho scale....

Amber ignored the contact name and went to delete the messages, when suddenly, the words "is typing...." appeared at the top of the screen.

Shit! Was she waiting for me or something?!

A message popped up: I knew you couldn't stay away from my pics for long, you naughty little slut! Maybe I'll have to send you some more... x

Please no, I don't need more! I just to be left alone! Amber threw her phone onto a nearby armchair as she heard it ding, again and again. It eventually stopped, and she plucked up the courage to turn it on to silent and put it under a pillow, (for good measure). She flicked on the TV, trying to take her mind off things.

She was half way through an episode of Teen Mom when the oven dinged. She hopped up from the couch to fetch her dinner, returning soon with the piping hot pizza. She picked up a slice, noticing how much grease was left behind on the plate, and with reluctance took a bite. It tasted good, but Amber felt so bad for it.

It's okay Amber, just hit the gym super hard tomorrow, it's only one night and you deserve it after the day you've had! God it's been so long since I've had pizza....

She convinced herself it was worth it all, with intentions of only finishing half, but thirty minutes later she found the entire plate demolished and her flat stomach left with some noticeable paunch after such a stuffing. The denim shorts had been removed by this point, leaving her in just a top and panties. She stared down at herself, noticing that there were a few rogue crumbs on her stomach. Brushing them off, she sat up, resulting in a release of a lot of built up pressure...

"Buurrrrrrrp!" Amber sharply covered her mouth, eyes open wide. "Excuse me!" she said to herself, still shocked by how loudly she just belched. She felt better after food, and another two episodes of Teen Mom as she lounged around. Eventually she went back to her phone - like most young girls she was addicted to social media. She figured she could just ignore the messages and concentrate on Instagram. She unlocked the phone again, finding yet more messages from Toni. She knew it was best to just ignore them, but couldn't help herself. She scrolled through the last few messages:

"I can't wait to have you back here, it's so hard cleaning every nook and cranny... and I'm not talking about the house ;) x"
"I've just had four burritos, now gassy as fuck! Lol! x"
"Is 24 doughnuts too much in one sitting? Nah! Don't worry I'll save some for you! x"

Amber cringed, thinking of all the things left that she hadn't even experienced with Toni yet. She found herself scrolling upwards, past the messages to the twenty or so pictures that Toni had sent through. Amber could see each and every roll in detail, looking at the deformed mess in front of her. She thought her body had no shape, it was one giant sack of fat that drooped off some form of skeleton. She noticed that when Toni sat down, her body pooled out filling her seat, it was like she was melting.

The final picture was a video, it featured Toni, sitting on her toilet, masturbating whilst farting on the toilet. The sounds of wet flesh slopping together combined with echoing farts boomed out of her phone speakers, with a shocked Amber continuing to stare. The video finished, and Amber sat in silence, contemplating what she just watched.

She's one hundred percent fucked up.... I'm going to die....

A stunned Amber went to her bedroom and collapsed on the bed. She put her phone on charge and pushed her face deep into the pillow, sobbing quietly to herself until she fell asleep.
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Re: Working Girl [humiliation, wg, uglification, dg]

Postby david515 » Tue Jun 18, 2019 8:40 am

Excellent so far, can't wait to read the rest
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Re: Working Girl [humiliation, wg, uglification, dg]

Postby docwankenstein » Tue Jun 18, 2019 6:27 pm

Holy crap, this is amazing.

Off to an epic start, can't wait to see where it goes!
Posts: 31
Joined: Fri May 05, 2017 9:57 am

Re: Working Girl [humiliation, wg, uglification, dg]

Postby Magglio » Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:00 pm

So far so good! Don’t let this be one of those stories with so much potential and never continues.
Posts: 9
Joined: Sun Sep 09, 2018 6:37 am


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