Family Values (DG)

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Family Values (DG)

Postby blurmy » Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:11 am

“God damn it Megan I am at my wit’s end with that girl!” Exclaimed Rob, slamming the bedroom door behind him.

“Robert, please, mind your language” replied his wife Megan as she looked up from her book.

“Yeah, fuck you Robert!” they both heard through the bedroom wall, this set Rob off again.

“Would you have the tiniest bit of god damn respect for your father?!” he screamed in response.

“Respect is earned you fucking prick!” came the muffled reply, followed by the blaring of heavy metal music from their daughter’s room.

Seeing her husband visibly seething, Megan put down her book and gng her husband visibly seething, Megan put an put down her book and gave him a hug.

“What has she done this time?” she asked, already half guessing the answer.

“The car” he said through gritted teeth “she took it again without asking, then when she finally brings it back it reeks of pot smoke and there’s a scratch down the passenger door!”

Megan and Robert had been dealing with their increasingly rebellious daughter Bonnie since late on in her high school career. She had fallen in with a bad crowd in their view and seemed quite happy to laze around the house all day eating their food and using their electricity. That was of course until her parents came home from work, she seemingly couldn’t stand to share the same house as them. She would stay out until the early hours, if she bothered to come home at all.

Rob was putting it lightly when he said he was at his wit’s end, Bonnie was unable to keep a job for more than a few weeks due to her bad attitude and she had flat out refused to attend college. All in all, Megan and Rob were facing the very real prospect that their daughter would fail to launch.

“Listen” said Megan reassuringly as she held her husband “I know things look bleak with Bon sometimes but I really feel she only does it because she gets a rise out of you.”

“Too right she gets a rise out of me!” replied Robert huffily

“I honestly think if we give her some space and just let her do her thing she’ll get bored of antagonising you and she’ll come around”

“Give her some space?! I’m sorry Meg but if we give her space she’s gonna wind up in jail you mark my words!”

“Well screaming at her and slamming doors isn’t working so what’s your plan?”

“I... I don’t know” replied Robert dejectedly.

Staring at the floor with his wife’s hand in his, he sat at the edge of the bed.

“I just wish she was more like you, ya know?”

Megan smiled at her husband.

“Oh hun, while I'm extremely flattered that you’d have our daughter turn out like me, you have to realise she’s her own person, she’ll find her own way.”

“Oh I know, it’s just so hard dealing with her now she’s like this, she was such a well-mannered little girl, where did I go wrong?”

“If I had to fault you in at all I'd have to say you care maybe a little too much” joked Megan, trying to put her husband at ease. She managed to wrangle a smile from him.

“Well I wouldn’t fault you at all” he replied before they shared a kiss “you’re my perfect gal”.

The next day at work dragged by for Rob, he was still down over his delinquent daughter, a fact that was not lost on his friend Vasily when he went for lunch at his café.

“Why so glum today Robert?” he asked when bringing out his order.

“Oh it’s nothing, just my pain in the ass daughter”

“She’s causing you mischief again?”

“When isn’t she?” he retorted

“Ah, she sounds spirited that one.”

“Spirited I could deal with! She seems determined to ruin her life and take us down with her.”

“She’s young, she’ll come around sooner or later, you mark my words.”

“You sound like my wife.” laughed Rob over his panini “I just wish she were more like her”

“You really wish she were like your wife instead of her own person?”

“Well it’d be a lot less stress for me that’s for certain!”

Vasily paused and stroked his chin as if he were contemplating something.

“What’s up?” asked Rob, sensing his friend’s change in demeanour

“Oh, nothing. I just thought of something that could help you with your problem, but it’s silly, forget I said anything.”

“Oh well you have to tell me now!”

“No, you will think I'm crazy for suggesting it.”

“Seriously man I am willing to try anything!”

Vasily thought about it some more before finally taking a seat at Rob’s table.

“Well, my uncle has a friend, he’s a little weird, they emigrated here together about 40 years ago”

“Okay?” asked Rob

“My uncle says he has certain talents, you know? Things always work out fine for Alexei! Is what he says.”

“I’m not sure I follow”

“Aye, he has ways of making things happen if you catch my drift?”

Rob just stared at Vasily blankly.

“He could help your daughter see things a little differently perhaps?”


“It’s not something I would share if I did not think it were for real my friend”

“Why do you think it’s real?” asked Rob

“Well I’ve not known Alexei to do a day's work in all the time I’ve known of him so he must know something, right?”

“I guess?” replied Rob sceptically

“Listen, Alexei visits this pub daily” said Vasily as he scribbled down an address on his order pad, “he sits at a table outside with his dog, you can’t miss him, big fat man with a strange beard”

“A strange beard?”

“You’ll understand when you see it” laughed Vasily, “what do you have to lose anyway?”

“I suppose you’re right” sighed Robert

“You’ll see, Vasily is always right!” he laughed as he went on about his business.
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Re: Family Values (DG)

Postby funfun74 » Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:57 am

Good story. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Family Values (DG)

Postby Junketh71 » Tue Sep 18, 2018 4:58 pm

...Vasily sounds like quite a character already!
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Re: Family Values (DG)

Postby blurmy » Wed Sep 26, 2018 6:04 am

Rob hadn’t thought much about his lunchtime conversation with Vasily until it was almost quitting time. He checked his phone and noticed a text message from Megan. It read – “There's $50 missing from my purse, did you borrow it or do I need to even ask her?” Rob turned the air blue in his cubicle, garnering him a few stares, but simply replied “Not me”. He stared at the crumpled piece of paper on his desk and before he knew it he was parking his car in one of the more ethnic areas of the city.

It didn’t take him too long to find the pub that Vasily had mentioned after entering the details into google maps. He looked up from his phone when it told him he was at his destination and sure enough, outside of the pub sat a rather large man, he was wearing an unbuttoned shirt and high-waisted trousers that failed to cover his large hairy belly. The old sleeping dog at his feet and thick beard confirmed that this was the man that Rob was looking for.

As if reading his thoughts, the old man spoke to him as he crossed the street.

“Ah, Robert I have been expecting you, come, sit!”

“You spoke to Vasily then?” asked Rob

“Not in a few weeks actually, he should visit his uncle more.”

Rob stared in confusion before Alexei continued

“You’re having trouble with your devushka yes?”

“I guess?” answered Rob

“Ah where are my manners?” asked Alexei as he poured out a couple of shots of the liquor he was working on “I forget, not everyone speaks the mother tongue”.

He motioned for Rob to join him in a drink, only knocking back his own shot once Rob had acquiesced.

“Your girl is a wild one yes?”

“Yes” replied Rob, still wincing from the obvious power of the drink he had just ingested.

“You wish she was a little more open to suggestion yes? A little more easy going?” he asked as he prepared another couple of shots.

After the two men had downed another drink Rob replied “I wish she was like my wife”

“Eyyy! Good girl your wife? Does as she’s told yes? Perfect lady?” asked Alexei, still pouring the powerful spirit out for the two of them to consume. Another two shots later and Rob responded.

“My wife ish Brilliant!” he slurred, obviously succumbing to intoxication.

“And you want Alexei to make your girls perfect yes?” he asked, a flash of fire in his smiling eyes.

“Yes!” shouted Rob, holding his latest shot in the air before downing it “make my devussshkaays per(hic)perfect!”

Alexei downed his own shot before standing and roaring “Sdelannyy!”

“Huh?” asked Rob, the look of confusion returning to his face.

“Go home to your girls Rob” replied Alexei, motioning to a taxi that Rob hadn’t noticed before. Rob gleefully clambered into the back of the cab and was whisked away, leaving Alexei and his dog in peace.

“Drunken fool” muttered Alexei to no-one in particular.
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Re: Family Values (DG)

Postby Junketh71 » Wed Sep 26, 2018 4:55 pm

Thank you for the new chapter. It was really good!
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Re: Family Values (DG)

Postby blurmy » Sun Oct 07, 2018 2:34 am

The next day was Saturday which was lucky for Robert as he had a terrible headache once he was awoken by Megan.

“You had a fun night last I take it?” she asked with a laugh

“Urgh” was all Rob managed as a reply.

“At least you were smart enough to get a taxi home” she smiled

“I don’t remember a damn thing after...”

“After getting obscenely drunk? I’m not surprised!”

“No... After drinking with Alexei”

“Well at least I know the name of your new drinking buddy” joked Megan, “anyway, I’d have normally let you sleep it off but I think you need to see this.”

“See what?” asked Rob

“Just go and have a wash, you’ll see soon enough.”

Rob lumbered into their en suite bathroom and quickly freshened up, soon joining his wife in the kitchen downstairs. What was odd was the fact that they were also joined by their daughter.

“Bonnie?” asked Rob, confused at why their daughter was at the stove cooking.

“Good morning... Dad. I hope you slept well, would you like some breakfast? I’m cooking eggs.”

“Err, yeah... eggs would be good.” replied Rob, almost not believing what was happening.

As bonnie turned her attention back to the stove Rob wordlessly motioned for his wife to join him in the hallway.

“What the hell?” he asked once they were out of earshot.

“I know!” replied Megan “I was just reading the paper when she came down, dressed like that, grabbed my pinny and asked what I'd like for breakfast!”

Rob looked over at his daughter and she was indeed dressed in a fashion rather foreign to her. Instead of the usual flannel shirt and jeans she was sporting a black blouse and knee length grey skirt, complete with tights, kitten heels and understated jewellery. She was wearing a moderate amount of makeup and her hair was down, looking smooth and silky instead of her usual unbrushed ponytail.

“This is weird, I wonder what she took to bring on this sort of episode” laughed Rob.

“I’m not sure but I wouldn’t be mad if she carried on with it, that’s for sure” replied Meg.

The two then re-joined the table and enjoyed a family breakfast with their daughter for what seemed like the first time in forever. They were still bewildered by the sudden change in their daughter’s behaviour when Rob decided to ask what Bonnie’s plans were for the rest of the day.

“Well I was hoping that Mom and I would be able to do a little shopping, I looked through my closet this morning and I have to say that my previous wardrobe choices feel thoroughly inappropriate for a woman of my age, especially one that should have her mind geared towards higher education or finding employment. I had to borrow this ensemble from Mother’s wardrobe, I hope you don’t mind?”

“Err, no that’s quite alright Bonnie” replied Meg “I’d love to go clothes shopping with you.”

“That way we can leave Daddy to have some well-deserved alone time with his sports and then we can cook dinner together when we return. Does that sound good Dad?”

“Yeah... that sounds... good.” replied Rob

“Then it’s decided! I’ll just go and freshen up and we can be off!”

With that Bonnie excused herself from the table and made her way upstairs.

“This is so freaking weird” stated Rob matter-of-factly

“You’re telling me!” replied Meg “It’s like something from The Stepford Wives.”

“The Stepford Daughter.” laughed Rob

“Seriously though, do you think she’s pranking us or something?”

“I don’t know, it does seem completely out of character”

“What do you think of this needing new clothes angle?” asked Megan

“Well... I trust your judgement” replied Rob “if she wants new smart clothes I don’t have a problem with that, especially if they’re interview clothes. You have the credit cards, just nix anything that you think she’s trying to pull a fast one with.”
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Re: Family Values (DG)

Postby Junketh71 » Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:05 pm

The changes are beginning, I think. Thanks for updating.
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Re: Family Values (DG)

Postby blurmy » Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:45 am

Before long they were all in the car and heading on their way – Bonnie and Megan going clothes shopping after dropping Robert off to pick up his car from where he had left it the previous evening. As Megan drove Robert sat in the front passenger seat, occasionally stealing glances at his daughter who was sat in the rear. He couldn’t get over how demurely she was sat there, like a completely different person. She’d smile sweetly whenever their eyes met in the mirror, causing Rob to furrow his brow, still perplexed in his daughter’s behaviour.

Robert got his nice relaxing Saturday, he enjoyed watching the football and having a few beers but couldn’t shake the odd feeling regarding what was happening with his daughter. The odd feeling wasn’t alleviated once the women in his life returned from their shopping trip. It turned out that while on their excursion Bonnie had insisted that her old hairstyle “wasn’t appropriate” and had convinced her mother to take her to a salon. Gone was the sloppily manufactured bleach job and uneven cut, replaced with a stylish but professional, chestnut coloured cut that fell just above her shoulders.

While Bonnie peeled vegetables for their dinner, Robert took the time to question his wife on their daughter’s increasingly odd behaviour.

“So did she try anything funny?”

“No, everything she picked out was really nice, sensible options.”

“What’s with the hair?”

“Doesn’t she look amazing? So much better than the cut she had before.”

Rob mulled over his next words before saying them while he watched his daughter hard at work in the kitchen, unsure on how his wife would take them.

“She kinda looks like a young you.” he finally blurted out, “younger you I mean.”

“I was thinking the same thing!” replied Megan “It was uncanny while we were trying on clothes, I looked at us side by side and it was if I had the perfect daughter...”

They both turned and looked at Bonnie who noticed their gazes.

“I was thinking of rustling up an apple pie for dessert, what do you guys think?” she asked with saccharine smile.

Rob couldn’t believe his luck, it really felt as though his family life had turned around. His domestic bliss had continued on from that weekend as Bonnie cut off ties to her old friends and really tried her hardest to find a job. Unfortunately, without any qualifications to speak of, not many places were willing to give Bonnie a chance regardless of her professional appearance. Those that were interested were put off either by the gap on her CV or when they realised that she had stolen from them and was in fact banned from the store. Still, Bonnie kept her spirits up and looked to find a solution to her unemployment.

Rob couldn’t have been prouder, but he was still taken aback when Bonnie called a family meeting one evening.

“Mother, Father, I’ve summoned you here today because I’d like to thank you in your continued support of my efforts to find employment” she began “however, I have realised that with my previous bad behaviour and lack of qualifications my search may very well prove fruitless.”

“Well at least you’re trying, and that’s all we ask. Isn’t it Rob?” interjected Megan

“Yes, of course. We’ve been very proud of you these past few months”.

“And while I appreciate that, I really do, I’ve decided that I need to earn those qualifications so that I’ll be able to support myself in future, after all I am nineteen now and can’t rely on you to provide for me forever.”

Bonnie spent the next couple of hours discussing with her parents the research that she had done and how she had found a college out in Missouri that would allow her to work to pay her way through college. Both Megan and Rob were surprised at how thorough their daughter had been with her research and by the end of the night it was settled, Bonnie would be studying communication arts come the start of September.
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Re: Family Values (DG)

Postby Junketh71 » Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:01 pm

And the adventure keeps on developing. Yay!
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Re: Family Values (DG)

Postby blurmy » Sat Oct 20, 2018 12:54 pm

Rob was on top of the world, things were finally coming together for him. His daughter was off to school to finally make something of herself. The announcement seemed to spark elated feelings in his wife too as the sex he had that night was some of the best he’d had in a very long time. It was as if the stress of having to deal with Bonnie for so many years had finally been lifted from their shoulders and the couple could finally relax a little.

And it didn’t stop there. While Bonnie busied herself getting ready for her departure it seemed that Megan took on a much more relaxed attitude to life, letting Bonnie take care of most of the meals and errands that needed to be done, instead busying herself with shopping trips with friends, buying items that Rob thought were slightly frivolous but didn’t complain when she modelled them for him in the bedroom.

Increasingly exotic lingerie and killer heels was de rigeur in the coming weeks as were their nightly sex sessions that were becoming more and more erotic by the night. Rob was probably most surprised when his wife displayed her latest gift to him, a couple of blooming roses – tattooed just above her pubic mound. Rob hadn’t thought Megan the type to ever get a tattoo but he quickly put those thoughts out of his head as she rocked his world once again.

It was about a week before Bonnie was leaving for college that Rob learned that he would need to attend to some business out of state. He broke the news to the family over dinner, that his daughter had prepared yet again. Luckily it worked out that he’d be able to help Bonnie move to Missouri before continuing on to his business trip. Bonnie seemed grateful that her Dad would be able to help her move but Megan seemed nonplussed by the whole announcement, instead just making “fuck me eyes” at Rob throughout the meal. She’d later remarked that she would need to get the most out of him before he left for Missouri.

“Don’t worry baby, I'll be coming home to you after a month, there’ll still be plenty left of me” he’d joked after she wore him out that evening.

“Well you’d better stay well practised while you’re gone” replied Meg “I know I will be.”

Rob thought the remark was odd but didn’t let it bother him before he fell asleep exhausted.

The week moved quickly, Bonnie had everything under control and Rob made sure she knew how proud he was of his daughter on the trip down to Missouri.

“Aww, Daddy. That means the world to me” remarked Bonnie, a blush on her cheeks, “I know I’ve been rotten to live with while I’ve gone through this... phase. I promise things at home will be much more... enjoyable in future.”

She said this last part as she placed her hand firmly on her father’s thigh. Flustered, Rob took her hand off of his thigh and placed it on the seat next to her. Bonnie simply laughed and turned on the radio.

The rest of the trip was made mostly in silence after the awkward encounter but the uneasy feeling between the two didn’t abate while Rob helped Bonnie move her things into her new apartment. Frequently, she would be brushing his hair out of his eyes while he was lifting heavy items or wiping sweat from his brow, it seemed like any chance she got to touch him she would take it, a fact evident when they were saying their goodbyes and she held on to their hug just a little too long.

After pushing her off of him she just responded with a sly giggle.

“Now Daddy, remember I’ll be using my webcam to contact you and Mom back home so make sure to keep your Skype logged in, won’t you?”

“Err yeah, sure.” he responded, just wanting to get out of there as fast as possible.
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