Fat Trimmings by BS Writer (WG)

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Re: Fat Trimmings by BS Writer (WG)

Postby B$fan » Wed May 01, 2024 7:07 am

“Chunky Cheryl”


Cheryl didn’t plan on getting fat. Most people don’t plan on getting fat, and Cheryl always considered herself like most people if somewhat above average in the looks department. She was a go with the flow kind of girl, never strove to rock the boat or change the world or anything like that. She did whatever seemed to be popular at the time, made herself a fairly popular person and generally kept her social calendar pretty full.

Fatness just kind of happened to her.

A full social calendar meant a diet full of heavy night out meals and a belly full of beer from partying. The more Cheryl partied with her friends, the more she ate, and the more she ate, the more the pounds began to pile on. It was slow at first, even stoppable, but Cheryl wasn’t the kind of person who saw dieting as a choice. Dieting would be a radical change for her, one that would cause an unwanted shift in attention.

Who wanted to be the only one ordering a salad when everyone else was ordering burgers? What kind of friend would she be if she didn’t partake in the sharing of appetizers? And how rude would it be to turn down a free drink or two?

So Cheryly damned the torpedoes and it was full steam ahead right into becoming a big fatty.

Cheryl used to be a slim little hottie, a real vixen before she let herself go. She didn’t quite have washboard abs, but she had a slim stomach and slender thighs. Her nickname was Cherry because of her two luscious ass cheeks which were perfectly pert, tight twin orbs that looked especially great in a slinky red dress she liked to wear to parties. It was the talk of the town.

That dress has long since been outgrown. It ripped right down the middle one night when Cheryl stumbled after drinking her fifth beer. And it was already on its last legs going into that party stretched tight against Cheryly’s globular glutes, and riding high. It exposed all of her flabby cellulite covered thunder thighs and threatened to let her fat ass peak out as well. In the end it did just that when it split. Cheryl was mortified.

But she didn’t stop eating.

If anything Cheryl ate more after that night since she now had a whole lot of feelings to eat for. The humiliation sent Cheryl into a spiral, and nobody calls her Cherry anymore.

They just call her Chunky.

Chunky’s got chunky cheeks, two fat and flabby deflated balloons that she calls a butt, two saggy sacks of fat that have lost all of the definition that they once had just like the rest of her. They bounced whenever she walked but never in the way she wanted, and all of her pants were rendered perpetually uncomfortable. This unfortunate turn of events was further exacerbated by the thickness of her thighs.

The pillars of jiggling flesh liked to press themselves together and their plumpness was threatening to turn Cheryl’s formerly sexy strut into a full on awkward waddle. Waddling seemed inevitable to everyone but Cheryl. While Cheryl was busy stuffing herself with seconds, everyone else loved to laugh behind Chunky’s now bloated back.

Of course, Cheryl’s stomach got chunky along with the rest of her. Her slim waist was now a bloated muffintop and the centerpiece was a bugling pot belly, a big fat gut, a flabby spare tire that jiggled like jello as it spilled over any pair of pants that she somehow managed to squeeze herself into and stretched out any dress she tried to wear. It grew into a gut that gave her the appearance of a very plump pig.

Cheryl’s breasts grew too. They begin soft and saggy, but the attention that would have been paid to them was mostly drawn to other parts of her body as Cheryl’s breasts had the misfortune of being situated between her spongy potbelly and her big fat face.

Chunky Cheryl’s face took on a doughy quality with chubby cheeks and a thick double chin. People loved to marvel at just how much her face had changed from one that was slim and angelic to one that was decidedly fat and piggish.

That’s just the way things are now. Slim and sexy Cheryl is gone now. It’s just Chunk Cheryl, your average chubber. But Cheryl better be careful. If she keeps eating like she does – and she shows no sign of stopping – she won’t be chunky for much longer.

She’ll just be FAT.


“Digging Those Doughnuts”


You can’t get enough of those donuts. Can you, Fatty? No, of course not. Look at you. You’re nothing but a pathetic piggy now. Where’s all that self control you used to pride yourself in? You used to be full of it. Now you’re just full of fat. Soft, weak, pathetic fat. Flabby, bloated, jiggling fat.

Go ahead and keep stuffing yourself piggy. Have another doughnut. Have all the doughnuts you can eat. That’s a lot of doughnuts isn’t it. At least a whole box worth. What’s a dozen to you? That’s barely a challenge. Isn't it humiliating to know that? It’s true. You know you could eat a dozen doughnuts and still be hungry, you hog, you hippo, you bloated hambeast.

That’s right, there’s chocolate glaze. That’s your favorite. Isn’t it? Don’t you just love the taste of that chocolate icing? Or maybe that’s not enough for you. Maybe you want the chocolate cake doughnut. That sounds scrumptious, doesn’t it? Or maybe you feel like being really bad, a naughty little piglet. You want something a little more decadent. Don’t you? You can have the double chocolate doughnut, the one that has BOTH the chocolate cake and the chocolate icing on top. This place even makes it with chocolate sprinkles, so you can really go whole hog on the chocolate.

But do you want to know the best part, piggy?

With your gluttonous appetite, you don’t have to choose! You can have all three! Isn’t that wonderful? You get to stuff your face with all three delights and so much more. And of course you’re going to do just that because, after all, there’s still plenty of doughnuts to try, and your fat ass can’t get enough of them.

There’s jelly next. Jelly for your jelly belly, you big fat sack of lard. Look at that gut that you’ve grown. It’s tremendous, isn’t it? It’s a big, fat sagging spare tire that stretches toward your knees when you’re sitting. It’s this loose hanging, wobbling ball of fat that droops down in front of you when you stand – which isn’t often at this point, not with the way you put these doughnuts away. You’re a roly poly piggy stuffing your face with jelly doughnuts.

And Boston cream! Oh, just look at these delicious cream filled delights. You can’t say no to them. You can’t say know to anything, you greedy glutton. Feel that cream slide down your throat as it makes its way down to your great big gut. You’re such a heifer, a land whale, a blob.

You’re just a mound of fat sitting there with your legs fat legs spread wide to account for the girth of your gut. You used to be so slim and athletic and now you’re sitting your pathetic wide load ass on two chairs and stuffing your fat face with doughnut after doughnut.

Cram your face full, Fatso. You know you want to, fatty. You’ve got no control left. No dignity. That’s all out the window. You’re just a pig now. A pig who’s only good for getting fatter. You’re my pet piggy, and I want you to eat, so you’re going to eat.

And eat.

And eat.

You can’t stop now.

You want to get fatter.

I want you to get fatter.

You’re going to get fatter.

And I love it.


“Thick Burgers Wants to Make You Fat”


Thick Burger wants to make people fat. That’s the whole point. Why, you ask? It’s simple. Fatties eat more food. More fat fatties, more burgers sold, more profit. And it’s all about the profit. Money makes the world go round, so Thick Burger makes its customers get round.

The lure them in because it’s so good; you see. Of course it’s good. Everything greasy is good. And they even have healthy options. Just start with a salad. Then, smother that salad in ranch dressing. Add some goat cheese. Add some bacon bits. Everything is better with bacon. Add some avocado. It’s the good fat!

Do you know how many calories are in an avocado?

Do you know how much sugar is in a fruit smoothie?

Do you know what a fruit smoothie really is? It’s a gateway drug to milkshakes. And nothing goes better with a milkshakes than a nice, hot, juicy, greasy burger with a side of fries. But hey, if you add a slice of avocado it’s easier to feel better about yourself.

And that’s what you want. Isn’t it? To feel better about yourself?

Thick Burger counts on their customers playing pretend. Denial is a great way to make money. It’s just a little weight. It’s not that bad. It’s hardly noticeable. Those pants are getting tight because the waistband has shrunk. It’s not that one’s waistline is expanding. So keep coming to Thick Burger. Keep indulging in your favorite food. It’s okay. You can quit whenever you want to. You don’t even need to quit. Just make some sensible changes. Order whatever you want. Everything is fixed if you just make your drink a Diet Coke. And Diet Coke costs the same as regular, so it’s all good to Thick Burger. Hey, did you know you can get a burger with low fat mozzarella? It tastes like shit compared to the real thing, but you can lie to yourself and pretend you like it. In fact, when you cover it with a couple thick slices of bacon, you can hardly tell the difference.

Any problem can be solved with bacon.

People love bacon.

And bacon is fattening.

And Thick Burger loves fattening people.

It’s not just about the profit. Thick Burger is in it for the love of the game. They love watching people get fat, and not just fat people getting fatter. They love fit people becoming fat people. There is something delicious about the karma of watching arrogant people give in to their basic instincts, stuff themselves like pigs and then become what they’ve always made fun of, and Thick Burger makes a hefty profit off of that. Do you know why?

College students are such a huge market. Arrogant college students who think they’re invincible. They get their first taste of independence, and suddenly they’re getting that delicious taste of Thick Burger to go with it. It’s so easy to blame everything else but themselves. The freshman fifteen is a normal thing right? It’s just a couple party pounds. But those pounds keep packing on, and by the end of college they’re hooked. Thick Burger is a part of their lifestyle.

A few Thick Burger customers even become staff members taking full advantage of the free staff meals and employee discount. They go from being the people who make fun of fatties to being what they’ve made fun of, and then when they’re staff members at Thick Burger, they get the joy of watching the people that make fun of them for being fatties become fatties just like them. Time is a fat circle.

It’s fun to watch bellies grow, to watch abs become flab. It’s great to see customers go from prim and proper to piggish as they stuff their faces. Plenty of people who come to Thick Burger could have been models, but Thick Burger turns them into fully fattened hogs.

And rest assured, you’re one of them. You can feel it in your veins can’t you? All that grease. All that fat building up inside you. You’re getting fatter and fatter and you’re going to keep getting fatter and fatter. You can’t quit this place. Even after all the stuff I told you. You can’t help yourself. You’re such an obedient little pig, such a loyal hog.

You’re going to keep on blimping out, busting pants, popping buttons. You’re destined to be a big fat landwhale forever addicted to the slop that we feed your piggy ass. And that’s just the way Thick Burger wants it.

Thick Burger wants to make you fat.


You can see this story collection continued on my Patreon: http://patreon.com/BSWriter (where several more volumes are already posted.)

There are thousands of words worth of content spread across a multitude of stories currently found exclusively there. This is "Fat Trimmings Volume 16" and I've already published "Fat Trimmings" volume 21 and so much more. "Fat Trimmings" Volume 20 is an extra large edition that features 5 stories spanning almost 8,000 words and is available on my patreon right now: http://patreon.com/BSWriter
BS Writer

If you enjoy my stories and want more, you can join my Patreon http://www.patreon.com/BSWriter and you can also feel free to DM me about commissions! Or email me at bswriterstories@gmail.com
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