Plump City - Black Widow

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Plump City - Black Widow

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Her red hair in a bun, dressed in black, Natasha questions not only where the hell she is... but why everyone around her is big, round, and dressed in frilly, colorful dresses with hair to boot!

As she steps off the train, it obvious it's not New York. It's like a parody of Japan, with fat girls warbling around left to right and J-Pop blasting on the steroes.

Ten minutes of staring at the bus schedule, The Black Widow realizes she's stuck and decides her only option is to venture out into the strange city.

As she walks down the streets, the thinnest gal that wasn't a Feeder Maid, she soo comes across...

  1. A Maid Cafe
  2. A Fashion Botique
  3. A Book Store
  4. An Arcade
  5. Something else?

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2018-10-19 03:06:37.

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