Goddess Conflict - Emma's boyfriend comes through the door

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Goddess Conflict - Emma's boyfriend comes through the door

Parent Chapter

"What the fuck, Emma?"

"Scott?" Emma asked breathlessly. She got up on her elbows and gave the man at the door a quizzical look. "What are you doing back already?"

"I was looking for you!" Scott yelled. "What the hell are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Emma asked rhetorically. "I'm having sex with the sexiest girl I've ever met." The blonde smirked and Jean, who had pulled a sheet over her nude form, quivered in fear.

"Oh really?" Scott asked, his face still masked with anger. He adjusted the red glasses on his face and frowned.

"Yep," Emma replied simply.

"Well then...can I play with her too?"

Jean's eyes widened in surprise. <"What is he talking about?">

<"Don't worry, babe. I got this...">

  1. Emma wants Jean all to herself
  2. Emma wants a threesome
  3. something else

Page created by: phoenix10 on 2018-08-14 20:48:11.

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