Blending In - Lashonda blends the whole food court with herself. Everyone starts becoming obese as the other restaurants turn into cheap fast food places too

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Blending In - Lashonda blends the whole food court with herself. Everyone starts becoming obese as the other restaurants turn into cheap fast food places too

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The place was fairly empty, so Lashonda took the opportunity to waddle outside and plan her next move. Looking outside, she could see why her McDonald’s wasn’t doing well. It had been there for years, but was tucked into a dim corner of the food court, surrounded by newer, healthier options that were all swarming with customers.

“Hmm,” Lashonda smiled, her double chin creasing deeper. “Maybe those high class places could use a little more Lashonda in ‘em.”

The first place she set her eyes on was a trendy new wald spot. She set the remote to “Me”, aimed at the sign and fired. She was a bit puzzled as the sign still advertised a salad restaurant, but that’s when she noticed a patron out front.

She was a professional looking woman in her early 30’s, wearing a nicely fitting white blouse and a grey business suit. She was enjoying a healthy looking Greek salad, when all of a sudden her portion began expanding. The bowl was now huge, taking up nearly the entire table. And it wasn’t much of a salad anymore, as it was drenched in dressing, croutons, and cheese.

The woman didn’t seem to notice, as she dug in voraciously, impressing even Lashonda with her appetite. As she did, she slowly began expanding, her modest ass inflating, the billowing cushions of fat lifting her into the air, before spilling over the side of the chit. Her belly began to expand as well, stretching against the fabric of her blouse, pushing the buttons aside. Her face thickened as well, developing cute chipmunk cheeks and a second chin to rival Lashonda’s.

As she reached the end of her bowl, she began greedily licking up the creamy dressing left on the bottom. She lay back, resting a plump hand on her bloated belly before letting out a loud belch. Rather than judge her, the other patrons just smiled and laughed, as they were all roughly the same size as her, and were enjoying the meals equally as much.

  1. Lashonda changes a healthy sandwich shop next, and watches as some high school girls put some meat on their bones.
  2. Lashonda changes several more restaurants, turning the food court into a hot place for picking up fatties
  3. Lashonda changes several more restaurants, and some teens show up to tease the fatties
  4. Lashonda’s plan backfires, and all the new competition puts McDonalds out of business. She needs to find something else to do with the device
  5. Something else
  6. Something else

Page created by: threebearmoon on 2018-06-21 02:53:09.

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