The DC Cafe - Lusty Lois has an even kinkier idea

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The DC Cafe - Lusty Lois has an even kinkier idea

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"Welp... I'm leaving." Bell coughed after watching Clara get black belts tightly wrapped around her wrists and ankles, standing against a board with slash marks, her boipussy exposed and scarred.

"Lusty Lois requested a gerbil, two candles, and our biggest strapon and you're leaving" Lucy raised an eyebrow.

"I wanna see cute girls play with stuffed animals and and dance to pop songs. Not this."

"Hey, don't judge me."

"I'm not." Bell lied. "Have fun with the Glorified Justice Sluts, I'm gonna have tea parties and eat strawberry flavored Kit Kats."

Lucy wanted to make fun of her weeby sister... but strawberry kit kats? You'd have to hate sweets to not wanna nibble on that chocolate!

"Now..." Lucy licked her lips. "Time to..."

  1. "Watch Lusty Lois do her thing."
  2. "Check on my little Bat Brat."
  3. "Make sure my other hostesses are working."
  4. Something else

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2018-03-13 23:55:33.

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