The DC Cafe - Alfred talks to Barb

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The DC Cafe - Alfred talks to Barb

Parent Chapter

"Yes?" Alfred said.

"Alfred, I need you to stop by the cafe and pick up my maids."

"Your maids?"

"Do it. Spit-spot!"

"Um, yes, ma'am."

"Um, I need to pick someone up," Alfred said.

"You're not gonna leave me here alone, are you?" Brucie said nervously.

Alfred looked at those big, nervous eyes. "I... I guess you should come."

Brucie nodded. She didn't like the idea of being left in this big old mansion on her own.

* * *

Starfire stood right above Dick, looking down at him with her hands on her hips.

"Are you enjoying that bread of yumminess?"

"Mmfff." His mouth was still full with the bread.

THe way Starfire was standing, her very impressive bulge brushing against Dick's cheek.

* * *

Barb Gordon grinned as she stretched her legs. She needed a nice assistant and knew who would be perfect.

  1. Starfire has her fun with Dick
  2. Alfred drives Brucie over
  3. Who has Barb chosen as her assistant?
  4. Check on Raven
  5. Something else

Page created by: Anzaleth on 2018-02-26 18:02:22.

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