All-New Jean Grey: Reality-Hopping with Myself - Xorna gets aquatinted with herself

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All-New Jean Grey: Reality-Hopping with Myself - Xorna gets aquatinted with herself

Parent Chapter

While the rest of the team went off with Emma and Jean's daughter, Wanda, Xorna stayed behind in the parlor to talk with her alternate self.

The older woman was still startlingly beautiful and had clearly taken care of herself in her younger days since her skin, though wrinkled, was clear of blemishes and looked surprisingly good for her age. She sat on the large couch in the parlor, her short, stocky legs crossed and her hands folded in her lap. Xorna sat opposite, in a fluffy, wing-backed chair. Her helmet sat on her wrapped knee, exposing her visage to her older twin.

"So, how long, you...been married to Emma?" Xorna asked awkwardly, hoping to break the silence.

The elderly Jean adjusted her chained glasses and smiled. "Fouty-five years. We got married when we were both twenty. You know...I know exactly why you're here."

Xorna raised an eyebrow, wondering if this Jean knew anything about Satana. "You do?"

Jean nodded slowly. "You want to take me away from Emma."

"No," Xorna replied quickly. "Of course not. You clearly have a firm control over your powers. Emma seems to help you." <"Though most of the time she only drives us insane..."> Xorna finished mentally.

"She has her angles," Jean admitted. "But I think I was truly meant to be with her. The five kids I had with her prove that."

"And I believe you."

"Then, why are you here?" Jean asked gently.

"A demoness sent us here, actually. We were in the middle of adjusting a volatile, younger Jean to a more comfortable environment when she completely ruined everything and sent us through a portal."

"Oh my," Jean said, clearly surprised. "Well, I suppose that does sound like the M-Men."

"Something like that," Xorna murmured. "We'll leave fairly quickly if we find everything to be under control."

Jean smiled brightly and tucked a strand of dyed-red hair behind her ear. She glanced up at her younger self and, for a moment, Xorna could have sworn her green eyes flashed a golden, amber color. She blinked and her emerald orbs returned as quickly as they had disappeared. Startled, Xorna stood and put her helmet back on.

"I better check on my team..."

"Okay, hun! Make sure to grab one of the cookies my wife made - they're in the kitchen!"

  1. Xorna tries to investigate the weird glow she saw in Jean's eyes
  2. Emma doesn't want Xorna there and sends her to a different reality
  3. something else

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