Shocking Awakening in the Marvel Universe - Scott gets so punished

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Shocking Awakening in the Marvel Universe - Scott gets so punished

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"Emma... isn't this a little too far?" Jean asked while watching a teenage boy watch Monster High in a tutu. Truth be told, Jean was a little upset. It's been awhile since she had a young stud interested in her goodies. But Emma wouldn't allow it.

It was a strange punishment. Scott now thinks he's a little girl named Summer. A five year old, obsseded with shopkins, and terrified of the dark. Not only does he think he's a girl, but so will everyone around him. They all think that Jean is her mommy and they will continue to think that for an entire month.

<"He caught us having sex."> Emma plopped down to the mental regressed child drawing a pretty picture of a rabbit. <"And he hit on you.">

Jean rolled her eyes.

<"Oh, so I can't eat out Betsy, but you can have a teen boy up your pussy?"> Emma pointed out. It wasn't really fair. Jean would never allow anyone touching her Emmy-Bear. But when Emma gets possessive, that's wrong? It's the one instance Emma feels like Jean is the dominating force in their relationship!

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight." Jean shook her head.

  1. Charlie come home, confused about the boy in drag that everyone thinks is her little sister
  2. Emma decides having sex with Betsy will teach Jean a lesson
  3. Something else

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2017-07-06 00:57:55.

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