Shocking Awakening in the Marvel Universe - Erica finds Charlie after she runs off

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Shocking Awakening in the Marvel Universe - Erica finds Charlie after she runs off

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"Hey, Chas?" Erica said.

"Lemme 'lone, Erica!" Charlie said.

She was sitting against a tree, her legs pulled up to her chin.

"What you did then was really uncool."

"I said lemme 'lone!"

Charlie sent an angry bolt of psychic energy that knocked Erica back a couple of steps.

  1. Erica yells at Charlie
  2. She leaves her alone
  3. She tries to chat with her
  4. Wanda tries to chat with Lola
  5. Something else

Page created by: Anzaleth on 2017-06-15 17:10:25.

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