Ultimate Octo-Girl Sea Warriors - Yumi and Tom have been having an affair

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Ultimate Octo-Girl Sea Warriors - Yumi and Tom have been having an affair

Parent Chapter

Yumi found it cruel, but she couldn't resist Tom nuzzling her neck. Making her tingle and cringe atop her bed.

Why would she do this to Penny? Then again, in another reality, she did the exact thing to Tom!

Her mind started to explain for her as Tom rubbed her aching back gently, with his dick far up her massive ass.

Yumi was once Tom's girlfriend, Back when Penny was Harley Quinn's sidekick. But one drunk party later, she ended up in bed with Penny.

This led to year's of battles between The Spider and Speed. Who would get that adorable Japanese girl?

In the end, Penny. But Tom did knock her up, Which Penny knew about.

"If she's a girl, let's name her after my mother?" Tom asked kindly while jabbing Yumi's backside.

"I don't know..." Yumi shrugged. "Penny had her heart set on May."

Tom laughed.

"Look, it's clear who won your heart this time. Me."

Yumi laughed.

"Why can't you two get along? I love you both!"

Tom shrugged.

"Like I'd fuck that bitch."

"Maybe you'd like her if you tried?" Yumi pouted.

"Sweetie?" Tom wrapped his arms around his lover.

Yumi's mind began to irriate her again.

Another shift was coming, Her mind was terrified.

  1. Emma rescues her daughter from another shift
  2. Bryce and Diana watch porn in the bathroom
  3. Something else

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2017-01-31 01:03:55.

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