Ultimate Octo-Girl Sea Warriors - Emma tells Yumi the good news

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Ultimate Octo-Girl Sea Warriors - Emma tells Yumi the good news

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As Yumi slumped back to her room, aggravated by the present turn of events, she spotted Emma, waddling after her. She stopped and let the overweight woman catch up to her.

"What is it, Emma?" Yumi asked, slightly exasperated. She really just wanted to take a nap and try to fight off the sense of impending doom.

"I...well, Jean and I are getting married!" Emma squealed, showing Yumi the fat rock on her left ring finger. Yumi's jaw dropped.

"B-But...what about Lorna?" Yumi asked.

Emma shrugged. "She didn't want Jean so...she had to go. I love Jean, Yumi. I really do."

Yumi sighed and nodded. "I'm happy for you. I am. Just...I need some time to think. A lot has happened today."

Emma smiled and rubbed Yumi's back. "How about a shopping trip tomorrow? Just you and me...and probably Jean. Would that be fun?"

Yumi nodded slowly. "Sure, Emma. That'd be nice, actually."

  1. Something happens to Penny...
  2. Yumi goes shopping with Emma and Jean
  3. something else

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