In the Mirror - She isn't specific enough, or should you say He?

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In the Mirror - She isn't specific enough, or should you say He?

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Suddenly the mirror ripples almost in reply to her words. The mirror acted on impulse and instantly her reflection warped and stretched and shrunk and finally cleared up. Sally gasped and almost burst into laughter at what the mirror showed. A teenage boy, well built, in a white shirt and dark jacket along with dark jeans and converses. His hair was of dirty blonde and his eyes were of a deep blue that any girl could get lost in. Sally, giving in to temptation, erupted with laughter and responded almost instantly "This mirror is insane! As if this is what I meant, but I do admit." She pauses to look closer. "He is sexy." But suddenly and very suddenly, Sally's voice took a dive in that pause, sinking to a soothing melodic males. Sally, no longer close to who she was moments ago, jumped. Ecstaticly he felt his whole body firm up and weigh down, his hair shoot up into a natural upturn, his clothes fit and show of his muscles underneath, his center of gravity suddenly drop a little lower as he no longer had breasts and finally an uncomfortable bulge arise in between his legs and rest in his pants. No longer did Sally stand there but a Sam. "Oh my god..." A look of pure disbelief ran over him as he felt all parts of himself: His face, chest, arms and crotch. After a long, anxious silence Sam opened his mouth to speak "....-

  1. Sam can't believe it and calls out to her roommate!
  2. Sam hates it and tries another wish to turn himself back!
  3. Sam loves it and looks decides is going to have some more fun with this new look.

Page created by: Jay Kyle on 2016-10-22 13:08:43.

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