The Remote - Swap bodies live her life and see what it is really like from her perspective

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The Remote - Swap bodies live her life and see what it is really like from her perspective

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You point the remote at your mother a big part of you believes that nothing will happen anyway however there is that deep courosity that nagging at you to see what makes her tick. Then you have the sudden realization that you will be her it will be your body your dirty panties lying around the bathroom, her most private parts will be yours her past her present and now future are now your past present and future. Everything she had done will become the things that you have done. You will own the Virginia and womb that gave birth to you. You think shit how will I cope with the change and what will happen to mom how will she cope. Well you think I have two choices

  1. Go through with the body swap
  2. Try something less intrusive

Page created by: Antony S on 2016-03-16 09:36:46.

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