Blending In - A bitter teacher in their 40s finds it

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Blending In - A bitter teacher in their 40s finds it

Parent Chapter

Some days Frank Maynard wondered why he was still even working in this place. Years ago he had been one of those naive, gullible kids who thought he could make a difference in the world. He had honestly thought that as a teacher he would be respected, and able to contribute to the growth of others. How wrong he had been.

Day in and day out he was tasked with teaching physics to a bunch of ungrateful little shits. Kids these days were so self-absorbed, and their attention span amounted to nanoseconds for anything important. Of course they'd all rather focus on celebrity bullshit, meat heads running around with a ball, and who was the prettiest more than anything that actually mattered.

Most of these kids didn't even know what it was like to really struggle in life. This was a town with a fair bit of money, and these kids were pampered with everything they could want, yet he was still expected to pay out of is own pocket the cost of any supplies and materials for his class. They had the world in the palm of their hands, the vast works of the greatest minds in history on their phones and tablets, but they didn't care. They'd rather have a never ending stream of entertainment and gossip. Frank couldn't count the number of times he had caught a student texting the girl sitting right next to her. None of those punks even understood how much research and effort had gone into advancing technology enough to allow their current lifestyle.

Then there was the fact he could do little to nothing to discipline them, or make them show respect. He lived in an age where everything was politically correct. Frank found himself having to be careful of what he said, lest he speak some new slang and be labeled misogynistic, or racist. Anytime he tried to scold a student they'd run to their parents, and hose pricks would lambast him for simply doing his job. Of course in their eyes their little angels could do nothing wrong. The parents would call the school board and he would be the one who got reamed.

Life wasn't much better at home. Frank was a fairly average looking guy. He'd never had much luck with the ladies. He'd had a few dates here and there, but at age 43 still found himself a bachelor.

Frank just wanted to get home and forget his worries with a bottle of rum. He was almost out the door when he noticed something on the floor. Picking it up revealed it to be a curious remote. Frank considered dropping it off in the lost and found, but decided that whichever student had forgotten the thing didn't deserve something so nice. He pocketed it and went home.

Frank entered his rather small place, quickly getting into his usual habit of pouring himself a rum and coke. As he started drinking he pulled out the remote. As he began looking it over his scientific nature, and need to learn took hold. This was far beyond some ordinary remote. Throughout the evening Frank meticulously examined the remote, finding out it's secrets, learning how it works, and coming to a conclusion.

He finally had a way to get some payback on those snot-nosed brats. He could change them to give them the lives they deserved, rather than the lives they took for granted. If their parents got in the way they could get some changes too.

Frank had the best nights sleep he had had in years that night. Several people noticed that he seemed more happy, and had a spring in his step as the school bell rang the next morning. Frank walked the halls looking for his first target, deciding on...

  1. Cindy Masters, the head cheerleader
  2. Lisa, the ditzy bimbo
  3. The star quarterback
  4. A goth girl
  5. Some parents there for parent teacher conferences
  6. Some skate punks
  7. The haughty valedictorian to be
  8. Claire, one of the cheerleaders
  9. Someone else
  10. Someone else
  11. Something else
  12. Something else

Page created by: Nobody14 on 2015-06-28 14:16:01.

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