X-Traits - To tell if Emma and Jean are Destined, they have to get matching traditional markings

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X-Traits - To tell if Emma and Jean are Destined, they have to get matching traditional markings

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Lorna, Emma's kin, is a green haired elf with beautiful green eyes and face tattoo with a red angled stripe from the left of her forehead to the right of her lip.

In Elvish culture, this symbolized her as a Shaman. The only woman capable of marking Jean and Emma with a test towards whether or not they're destined.

Sitting inside a yurt, the elvish Shaman, where a traditional deer skin dress, brushes the symbol of a heart on Jean's left hand and Emma's right.

"Hold your hands tightly together." Lorna says while swinging a tambourine. "If they turn blue, your love is true. If it remains red, the love is dead."

They look at each other, Emma gazing at Jean's sharp greens, Jean forced to look upon Emma's sparkling blues and as Lorna began to sing in an ancient tongue...

  1. Their markings turn blue. They are destined.
  2. The markings stay red.
  3. A white glow blinds Jean and Emma and they awake in a bed, naked sweaty, and horny.
  4. Something else

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2020-01-16 21:40:58.

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